Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #269

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Flaunt it Friday #269

Hello, friends and Happy Friday!

We've managed to make it through the first few days of school here.


We are TIRED.

My oldest is catching the bus an hour and 20 minutes earlier than last year.

80 minutes earlier!!

OMG, it is ROUGH for this house full of non-morning people.

It's actually just me and him because everyone else in the house is still sleeping. Yeah, even the hubs doesn't have to get up that early to go work.

My left eye has been twitching for the last 2 days because I haven't been getting enough sleep. It feels SO weird and like everyone is looking at my eye that is spazzing out all by itself. But no, no one else even notices but me.

I'm going to have to get my night-owl self to bed way earlier.

Anyway, no biggee, first world problems. Just hard getting back into the swing of things.

 So, how about you? Back to school yet? Are you adjusting?

 I'm really glad it's Friday... let's party

My rules are simple:
Please DO NOT PIN from the party, please go to the original blog post and pin from there.

  • You may post about anything you'd like to share... decor, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, helpful hints, whatever you're proud of!
  • Please add a text link to your post so others may join in on the fun.
  • Please no links to etsy shops or items for sale.
  • Please follow me if you don't do so already, that way you'll remember to come back next week! :)

(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks for hosting Kate. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. Hi Kate, that is a really early bus pickup. Thanks for Flaunt It Friday 269.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting the party:-) Yes, it is so tiring the first few weeks of schedule. You'll adjust!

  4. We have some new bus times around here too. My older son has to leave about 1 hour and 15 minutes earlier than last year. We are not looking forward to that around here. Thanks again for hosting!

  5. Hi Kate,
    Thank you for hosting the party!
    Noa from Pixiebear :)


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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