Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday 65!

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Flaunt it Friday 65!

Wow!  Another week of summer has flown by and it's already time to party!

Apparently my party button is out of whack so just link my blog button or a text link back to me instead pretty please.

Time to party!

My rules are simple:

    • You may post about anything you'd like to share... decor, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, helpful hints, whatever you're proud of!


    • Please add my fun party button (code found on the sidebar) to your link so others may join in on the fun.


    • Please link directly to your post, not your blog.


    • Please follow me if you don't do so already, that way you'll remember to come back next week! :)


(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks for hosting today! Looking forward to checking out the great projects!

  2. Thanks for hosting! This is my first time linking up to your party. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get your button to work :( but I did make sure to attach the link!

  3. I always love to party with you, always have fun! Just wanted you to know that I tried to put your new button on my sidebar but it keeps coming up with the "this picture has been removed button" I'll keep trying though, maybe it's blogger!
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. I love this par-taaay! Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at

  5. hi Kate, hope you've got some great weekend plans. I'm glad to be able to join the party today, thank you so much for hostessing :) Diane (home sweet homemade)

  6. Thank you for hosting!

  7. Hi Kate! I've linked to your party for the first time today with my Tinkerbell name art and also hit the follow button!
    Just letting you know that the button is not working for me so I added a text link back to you on my link page! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thanks for hosting. Link a couple of posts including the one about the link up party I am hosting- - Tea Time Thursdays. Would be glad to see some of your awesome posts there. Hope to see ya at the party :)

  9. Thank you so much! I love seeing everyone else's great projects on one awesome place!

  10. Lovely link party, thank you so much for hosting! Have a lovely ice cream filled weekend. :)

  11. Thank you so much for hosting :)


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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