Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #62

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Flaunt it Friday #62

Hi friends!  So.... what do you think of my new blog design?  You likey??  It's almost finished, still working out a few kinks and getting some buttons made.  Elizabeth over at The Mustard Ceiling  has done a super job making my blog design ideas come to life!  

If you are thinking about having your blog designed, check out The Mustard Ceiling, Elizabeth has been a pleasure to work with and her prices are extremely reasonable.  Thanks so much Elizabeth!

TGIF!  Time to party!  Since I don't have a button yet just link my blog party name on your post pretty please.


My rules are simple:

    • You may post about anything you'd like to share... decor, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, helpful hints, whatever you're proud of!


    • Please add my fun party button (code found on the sidebar) to your link so others may join in on the fun.


    • Please link directly to your post, not your blog.


    • Please follow me if you don't do so already, that way you'll remember to come back next week! :)


(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks for hosting.. Have a great weekend

  2. Thanks for hosting! Love the new look so far! :-)

  3. Your blog design is really fresh and it.

  4. Love the new look! By the way, I could not find your button on the side, so I linked back on my posts with a text link.

  5. Love the new look! Thanks for hosting another link-up!

  6. Blog looks terrific! Thanks for hosting !

  7. I think your new look looks terrific, Kate. Very elegant and stylish. :)

    Thanks for hosting.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  8. ok so i LOVE your new blog design! SUPER CUTE!!

  9. Like the new look! I couldn't find your link information on the sidebar so I made a text link for now. Thanks for the party!

  10. Great new look for your blog! Congratulations!


  11. love the new design!
    Thanks for hosting :)

  12. Thanks for hosting!!! Your new header looks great. Can't wait to check out all the projects.

    Would love for you to stop by and enter my Home Goods GC giveaway :)

  13. Love the new design!! So bright & cheerful!! Thanks for hosting!!

  14. I love the new look... thanks for hostessing!

  15. Yes--very much likey new design! Your's is the 2nd I've seen this a.m. and it seriously makes me want to revamp mine :P. Hugs, Kim

  16. love the new design, and it loads like a million times faster and fits on my screen nicely. woot! have a great weekend!

  17. i love love love your I have wanted to do an udpate but just can't pick a designer. The last group that did it left me with all kinds of broken links and it made me SAD! But these links make me cute is that sand crab...omg.

  18. Love. the. blog. design! Very chic!
    Thank you for hosting!
    Kerry at

  19. Thanks for hosting another great party! I can't wait to browse through the projects. So happy you love your new design :).

  20. Great choice of colors =) I think it stands out from other blogs =)

  21. LOVE the new design! Thanks for hosting!

  22. Love the new design! Thanks for hosting today - I hope my post qualifies for the party - I am kind of stretching it! Have a great weekend!

  23. I love the new design. It's very fresh and clean. The other one was great too, but I love the simplicity of this one even more!

    Thanks for hosting the party. I couldn't find your button so I'll add a text link!

  24. love the new design! thanks for hosting.



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