Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #35

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Flaunt it Friday #35

Hi there.  I'm loving all the Christmas stuff out in blogland.  Keep coming back because I have lots of good Christmas stuff to share!  :)

Can't wait to see what you hook up this week...

Thanks for joining me for a fun party bloggy friends!  My rules are simple:

  • You may post about anything you'd like to share... decor, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, helpful hints, whatever you're proud of!

  • Please add my fun party button (code found on the sidebar) to your link so others may join in on the fun.

  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog. 

  • Please follow me if you don't do so already, then I know you'll be back soon! :)

(Linkup closed)


  1. Thanks for hosting another fun party!!!

  2. Love your blog - new follower! Thanks for hosting the party - I added your button to my Favorite Linky Party page!

  3. Hi Kate, so glad I found your blog party! Thanks so much for hosting! I'm your newest follower and I love your blog as well as the name of your party ;) If you have a chance, check out my blog and maybe follow me back too! Looking forward to perusing through the rest of your blog...


  4. Thanks for hosting! Already a follower ;) Do you follow me yet? LLol...if not I would love it if you did. Gonna go post your button now.

    Thanks again.

  5. Thanks for hosting!!

    You should TOTALLY stop by today! I have a something something happening on my blog!!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting each week! I linked up my Ruffley Headband Tutorial! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Hi Kate I linked up #196 my Ribbon Rose Wreath, its about as shoestring as you can get, I redid my 20 year old wreath, with some 20 year old ribbon, lol.

    Oh and I just wanted to let you know about my FIRST giveaway, I finally reached 100 followers :), and am giving away SEVEN fabulous prizes from some incredible blogging friends. There are not that many people who have entered so far, so hey you might get lucky, oh and the support would make me smile, for sure !!!

    Your mantle turned out incredible, and I def need to get mine done this weekend.

    Thanks so much,

    Bella :)

  8. You get the best linkers!
    I just spent a while looking several gals' sites!
    I finished the front rooms tonight, but it's too dark to take pictures, now!
    Will post re-do in the morning ;0)
    It was so nice to see your comment :)


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

My faves...

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