Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday #28

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Flaunt it Friday #28

Thanks for joining me for a fun party bloggy friends!  My rules are simple:

  • You may post about anything you'd like to share... decor, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, helpful hints, whatever you're proud of!

  • Please add my fun party button (code found on the sidebar) to your link so others may join in on the fun.

  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog. 

  • Please follow me if you don't do so already, it makes me feel oh so important! :)

(Linkup closed)


  1. Woops sorry Sarah I've just linked using the iPod then went to edit my post on the comp to link it up to here then realised the computers gone for some servicing! So sorry, will link up asap!

  2. Did I just call you Sarah!!!!? How completely terrible of me! Don't hate me I'd just written to Sarah over at thrifty decor chick and must have gotten confused! Kates a much better name! Hehehe (my sisters).
    So sorry!

  3. Thank you for hosting Kate! I enjoy your linky party and your blog.

    Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

  4. Hi Sarah Kate!
    Thank you again for the fun partay!
    I meant to tell you, but forgot to comment, that I love your new buffet in the dining room!
    What a steal!!
    I pray you are having a wonderful Fall, so far :)
    About the life:beautiful magazine, here's the link so you can find it near you:
    Hugs sweet friend!

  5. Thanks for hosting i hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks so much for having all of us!

  7. Hi Kate, I am honored to join you this week! I am having so much fun visiting all these amazing sites, there are so many fantastic ideas! Marcia

  8. Thanks so much for hosting! This is my first time to link up. Thanks for the great ideas!!

  9. Hey Kate, Thanks for hosting, another great party. I linked up with a carrot and pineapple plant # 125. Come check back in a couple weeks to see if they actually grow, lol. Thanks again!!! Bella :)

  10. Thanks so much for hosting as usual! :oP

    ~ ~

  11. thank you for letting me join your fun party this week!

    bee blessed

  12. Kate -- just wanted to say hi. I am so happy to have found your blog - I just love it!!
    I'll be a regular reader :)


I L-O-V-E love your comments! :) I read and try to respond to every one! Thanks for taking your precious time to leave me a comment.

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